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Budget Committee Minutes 2007/01/31 (Public Hearing Continuation)
Continuation of January 24th, 2007 meeting
Town of Lyme
Budget Committee
January 31st, 2007
Lyme School

Recessed and reconvened from January 24th, 2007
Public Hearing
Approved: February 13th, 2007

Present at this meeting: Selectmen: Judy Shelnutt Brotman. Budget Committee Members: Chairman Barney Brannen, Josh Kilham, Elizabeth Glenshaw, Jeff Lehman, Gibb Cornwell, Freda Swan, Wayne Tullar & Dave Caffry. Community Members: Barbara Roby, David Roby, Cynthia Bognolo, Daniel Bailey, James Jenks, William LaBombard & Linda Wilmot. Library Trustee: Judy Russell. Staff: Administrative Assistant Carole Bont & Bookkeeper/Scribe Dina Cutting.

The meeting was reconvened at 6:30pm by Chair Brannen.

Mr. Brannen reviewed the schedule for tonight’s meeting:
·       10-wheeler vs. 6-wheeler
·       Discussion of whether the Library budget should be put in separate warrant article.
·       The Budget Committee will go to the Selectmen’s  public hearing at 7:00PM
·       The Budget Committee will meet following the Selectmen’s public hearing for the 2nd public hearing on the budget.

Mr. Brannen had received comments concerning the 10-wheeler vs. the 6-wheeler from Selectmen Jones and Road Agent Fred Stearns. (See attachment). The quote difference between the two trucks is $15,000.00. The 6-wheeler came in at $125,614.00 and the 10- wheeler came in at $140,951.00. The Budget Committee does not make it a practice to decide which truck the town should purchase. The Budgets Committee’s job is to make sure there is enough money to purchase what the Selectmen and Road Agent decide to purchase.

Mr. Brannen opened the discussion for public comment at this time:
Mr. Bailey has researched different prices and believes the 6-wheeler can be bought for less money. Mr. Bailey also believes that there is not enough money in this request to buy the 10-wheeler.
Mr. Labombard stated he is speaking as a taxpayer. Mr. LaBombard reviewed what the Highway Department currently has for plows on their trucks. Mr. LaBombard stated that town’s 6-wheelers have had some significant problems. If the town bought a 6-wheeler that was set up for heavier loads, with bigger springs, heavier suspensions, etc., it would be a much better truck for the town. Mr. Labombard would not want to drive a 10- wheeler and he believes a 10-wheeler is not feasible or a good purchase for the town.
Mr. Bailey agreed with Mr. Labombard that the present trucks are not set up correctly. They should have much heavier suspensions in order to do the work that is required of these 6-wheelers. Mr. Labombard told the Budget Committee that when you drive the present trucks fully loaded, you are fighting it the whole way. Mr. Bailey feels that the $140,000.00 is enough money to purchase a 6-wheeler with all the extras to make it more of a heavy duty truck. Mr. Bailey requested the Budget Committee agree with the points he has made in the past 2 meetings and request the 6-wheeler be purchased instead of the 10-wheeler.
·       Mr. Brannen reiterated that the Budget Committees job is to make sure the money that is voted is enough to purchase what the Selectmen and Road Agent want. The public is welcome to come to Town Meeting to try and persuade the Town to make a decision on what to buy.
Mr. Bailey suggested the Town purchase the extended warranty on the big trucks and change the Capital Reserve replacement schedule to 7 years and trade the trucks then. He believes this would get the town a much better trade in on the trucks and more money to go towards the new truck to be purchased. In the long run, this would save the town money.
·       Mr. Brannen stated the Budget Committee would check into this suggestion. Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman will bring this to the Selectmen for review.

It was the sense of the Budget Committee to leave line 399 at $145,000.00. This amount has been voted at a previous meeting.

·       At 6:50 PM, Mrs. Shelnutt and Mrs. Swan left this meeting to go to the bond public hearing.

Mr. Brannen reported he had received information from Ms. Bont that the DRA said the Budget Committee could pull the Library budget out of the regular budget and make it a separate warrant article. But, the DRA did say it is not a good idea. The town has a responsibility to fund the Library. It was the sense of the Committee not to put the library budget in a separate warrant article.

·       Mr. Caffry moved the minutes of the recessed meeting of January 24th, 2007. Seconded by Mr. Lehmenn. Mr. Brannen noted that Ms. Bont would like her comments concerning Ms. Eaton added to the minutes. 5 in favor, 1 abstention. (Mr. Tullar). The minutes were approved with corrections noted.

The Budget Committee will return as soon as the Selectmen’s public hearing on the bond has ended to hold the 2nd Public Hearing on the proposed budget.

At 7:00 pm Mr. Caffry moved to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. Cornwell. Voted unanimously in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dina Cutting